KOMMETJIE residents have raised concerns over the proposed development of two cellphone masts near their homes, citing a lack of public participation and possible health implications.
MTN has submitted two applications to install network sites in Kommetjie.
MTN spokesperson Mamello Raborifi said the sites are not live yet and MTN is waiting on the City to send them formal objections as per the by-laws and regulations.
In a formal objection by the Kommetjie Residents’ and Ratepayers’ Association (KRRA), residents say they have not seen anything advertised and it is clear many of the residents in the proximity to the proposed cell mast location were aware of this extremely only late in the process of the application.
“Some were not aware at all as registered letters had not been delivered,” their objection reads.
“To our knowledge, an environmental authorisation process has not been carried out or has been done without input from neither the local residents nor the local residents association.”
The association believes an Environmental Authorisation process, which considers all the environmental impacts, would include visual and health concerns.
Raborifi said MTN has an ongoing programme to monitor exposure levels at their base station sites and to ensure that no member of the public gets exposed to radio frequency fields that exceed the internationally accepted health and safety guidelines.
City spokesperson Priya Reddy said both applications are awaiting responses from the applicants to the submitted comments and objections.