A Nov 2016 interview with Capetonian Alwyn Lewies who suffers from electro-hypersensitivity (EHS).
In 2015 Dr Lauraine Vivian also interviewed Alwyn Lewies who has been living with EHS since 2000 after a cell phone tower was erected at his workplace in Pretoria, South Africa. In 2004 Dr Cloete diagnosed Alwyn with EHS and he tried a variety of different treatments over the years with limited success.
In the interviews below Alwyn and his wife, Adri, discuss the devastating impact that his disability has had on their lives.
Shortened interview by Dr Vivian with Alwyn (8 mins): https://vimeo.com/179719883
Full interview by Dr Vivian with his wife Adri (10 mins): https://vimeo.com/179096220
Full interview by Dr Vivian with Alwyn (17 mins): https://vimeo.com/178925639
e-News, 2013 (2 mins, Afrikaans): http://www.emrsa.co.za/alwyn-lewies-electrosensitivity-sufferer/
Statement by Alwyn Lewis (Dec 2014): Alwyn Lewies statement 2014
“….This letter is a cry for help to the key people out there who make crucial decisions which affects EHS suffers and their families severely. In most cases, it is because of a lack of knowledge that people such as myself exist.
In order to confirm my story, I am willing to undertake certain tests to prove that I do experience pain whenever I’m exposed to these elements. It’s possible for me to tell exactly when a transmitter is on or off solely by the pain I experience from that signal.
It is my responsibility to inform the public and plead with them to start taking us into consideration when planning to put up towers which has a life changing effect on us.
We don’t expect all transmitters to be removed and going back to the dark ages. There are ways in which we can accommodate one another by choosing certain locations for towers more carefully. This will allow certain spots as safe areas where EHS sufferers can live in peace instead of being banished from society.
I’m doing this on behalf of everyone suffering from this disease, and for those who were not as blessed as myself to live to tell the tale.
I thank you for the opportunity to put my story in writing and sharing it with you.”
Alwyn Lewies, 15 Dec 2014