Dane Snowden (spokesman for the US wireless industry association) is on record as testifying to the State Legislature of Vermont:

“Industry has not said once – not once – that cell phones are safe. The Federal Government …has said it is safe.”

Frank Clegg (longtime president of Microsoft Canada and advocate for wireless radiation safety) elaborates further, “It’s worth noting that even the manufacturers won’t declare their products “SAFE.” The presidents of Bell, Rogers, Telus, or any cell phone maker will not declare publicly that their products are safe…

Manufacturers discreetly warn of possible health problems – in their fine print. The packaging with i-Phone5 states: “Carry i-Phone at least 10 mm away from your body to ensure exposure levels remain at, or below, the as-tested levels.” (To find these warnings, you have to hunt for them. Go to Settings – General – About – Legal – RF Exposure) Blackberry warns users to keep their phones an inch away from any part of their body whenever it’s turned on, “including the abdomen of pregnant women and the lower abdomen of teenagers.”

But of course cover-ups, spin and radical downplaying of problems are to be expected in a multi-trillion dollar a year industry. This is the story of Henry Lai – a scientist whose study demonstrating effects of low-level radiation on DNA was successfully discredited and covered up by Motorola in the 1990s.  http://www.seattlemag.com/article/nerd-report/nerd-report

In this leaked Motorola memo in the words of Motorola executives, they claimed to have succeeded in “War-Gaming ” the Lai-Singh Experiments demonstrating DNA damage at below so-called safe exposure levels –  the smoking-gun reveals itself as legitimate researchers are constantly countered by wireless industry propagandist. war-gaming-memo

more: http://www.rfsafe.com/motorola-war-games-scientists-indicating-health-risk-from-cell-phone-radiation/

Cellphone technology is absolutely safe

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